Thuốc Topical emollients

Thuốc Topical emollients
Thuốc Topical emollients

Holevn Health share articles about :Thuốc Topical emollients  , side effects – dosage , Thuốc Topical emollients what disease treatment.Other noted issues. Please refer to the details below.

Generic Name: topical emollients (TOP i kal ee MOL i ents)
Brand Name:AlphaSoft, Aquaphor, Aveeno, Baby Lotion, Baby Oil, Bag Balm, Blistex Lip Balm, Carmex, CeraVe, Cetaphil Lotion, Chap Stick, Corn Huskers Lotion, Curel Moisture Lotion, Eucerin, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing, Keri Lotion, K-Y Jelly, Lubriderm, Mederma, Moisturel, Natural Ice, Neutrogena Lotion, Nivea, Nutraderm, Pacquin, Phisoderm, Pretty Feet & Hands, Replens, Soft Sense, St. Ives, Vaseline Intensive Care, …show all 478 brand namesMasse, Mammol, Formula 405 Lotion, Formula 405 Cream, Citraderm, Aloe Vesta Cream, Purpose Soap, Sayman Soap, Neutrogena Soap, Cetaphil Bar, Acne-Aid, Lowila, Complex-15, AcidMantle, DML Forte, DML Facial, Formula 405 Soap, Lubriderm Lotion, DML Moisture Lotion, Neutrogena Cream, Theraplex Lotion, Cetaphil Cream, Aquanil Lotion, Balneol, Ionax, Seba-Nil, Wibi Lotion, Kerodex-51, Kerodex-71, Tritles Lotion, Aquaderm, Dermasil Lotion, Vaseline Dermatology Formula, Uni Derm, Lubricating Lotion, Mother’s Friend, Aqua Glycolic, Thames Lotion, Hydrocerin, Shepards, Therapeutic Bath, Oilatum Soap, Pen-Kera, Polysorb, Purpose Cream, Purpose Lotion, Hydrocream, Dermabase, Formula Finger Skin Cream, Panthoderm Cream, Ultra Derm, Unibase Ointment, Hydrophil Ointment, Absorbase, Hydrophor (obsolete) (obsolete), Aqua Lube, Neutrogena Rainbath, Sarna Lotion, Thera Derm Bath, Sardo Bath, Petro-phylic Soap, Lubri-Soft, Surgilube, Velvachol, Cetaklenz, Neutrogena Acne Formula, Neutrogena Cleansing Wash, Polybase, Hydrisinol, Sween Cream, Baza-Pro, Diab, Hydropel, Fattibase Ointment, Iamin Hydrating Gel, Aloe Vesta Protein Ointment, Cetaphil Cleanser, Aqua Lube Plus, Sproam Body Cleanser, Sea-Clens, Puri-Clens, Glycerin with Rose Water, Ocusoft, Phacid, Baby Soap, Lubricating Jelly, Natural Care Gel, CarraKlenz Wound Cleanser, Carrington, Green Soap, Peri-Wash, Sween Prep, Derma Soothe, SFC, Lantiseptic, Dermagran, Elta, Skin Care, Vanicream, Vanicream Lite, Robathol, Aquaphilic, Lubrex, Maxilube, Nu Soap, Moisturin, Hydrated Petrolatum, Constant Care Vaseline, Cam, Aqua Lacten, Cutemol, Carrington Foot and Body, Carrington Skin Balm, Beta Care, Elta Seal Skin Protectant, Ointment Base, Cream Base, Betamide, Lanaphilic, Nutraderm-30, Ostiderm, Dermalab Skin Cream, Dermalab Soap, Curel Ultra Pro, Epilyt, Herpecin-L, Phisoderm for Baby, Aloe Vesta 2-n-1, Oilatum-AD, Baza-Protect, RadiaCare, SBR-Lipocream, Minerin, Carlesta, Clinac O.C., Aquaphor Healing (obsolete), Lubri-Gel, Neoteric Diabetic, Theraplex Hydro Lotion, Neutrogena Cleansing, Neutrogena Toner, Elta Lite, Diabet-X Daily Prevention Therapy, Biafine RE, Diab Gel, Theraplex Clear, Sensi-Care, Dermalab Cleansing Bar, Dermalab Skin Cleanser, Dermalab Lotion, Dermalab Conditioning Shampoo, Secura, Secura EPC, Secura Protective, Nouriva Repair, Impruv, Moisturel Sensitive Skin, Secura Personal Cleanser, Dermal Therapy, Pretty Feet & Hands, Dermalube, Peri-Care, Chap Stick Tube, Lansinoh for Breast Feeding Mothers(obsolete), Lansinoh for Healthy Feet(obsolete), Atopiclair, CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, MimyX, Light Mineral Oil, Topical, Elon Herbal Foot Cream, Elon Barrier Protectant, Biafine, Leader Finger Cream, DermaDaily, DermaCerin, DermaPhor, Proshield Foam & Spray Cleanser, Proshield Plus (obsolete), Proshield Skincare Kit, Humatrix Microclysmic Treatment, Care-Creme, Loving Lotion, Skin Magic, Techni-Care, Loving Lather II, Consept, CC-500, Barri-Care, Satin Therapeutic, Ca-Rezz, Dermarest Rosacea, A-Mantle, Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser, Aquabase, Sensi-Care Perineal/Skin Cleanser, Aloe Vesta Body Wash & Shampoo, Aloe Vesta Perineal/Skin Cleanser, Aloe Vesta Skin Conditioner, Septi-Soft Concentrate, Vaseline Lip Therapy, Cherry (obsolete), Vaseline Lip Therapy (obsolete), Chap Stick, Cherry, Chap Stick Lip Moisturizer, Esoterica Dry Skin, Special Care, Baza Cleanse & Protect, Special Care Moisture Barrier, Mederma for Kids, Kinerase, Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam, Amerigel Care, Durable Barr, Keri Original Therapy, Keri Advanced Therapy, Bedside-Care Perineal Wash, Eucerin Unscented (obsolete), Lamisilk Heel Balm, Avosil Scar Care, K-Y Warming, K-Y Sensual Mist, TheraSeal Hand Protection, Aqua Glycolic Facial Cleanser, Aqua Glycolic Toner, K-Y Silk-E Vaginal Moisturizer, OCEAN Ultra Moisturizing, Phisoderm Cleansing Bar, Phisoderm Deep Cleaning Cream Cleanser, Eucerin Gentle Hydrating Cleanser, basis sensitive skin bar, basis vitamin bar, Aveeno Daily Moisturizing, Eletone, Dermadrox, Aquaphor Healing for Baby (obsolete), Thera-P, Spectro Jel Skin Cleanser, RepHresh, Lubriderm Daily Moisturizer, Cavilon Durable Barrier, Restore Skin Conditioning Creme, Restore Cleanser & Moisturizer, Secura Two Step Kit, Cavilon Foot Emollient, Cavilon Emollient, Secura Dimethicone Protectant, Secura Extra Protective, Secura Mosturizing, Normlshield, Medicine Shoppe Natural Cold Sore Cream, Resurfix, Carrington Moisture Guard, Blistex Lip Revitalizer, Proshield Plus Skin Protectant, Amerigel Barrier, Orabase Soothe-N-Seal, Orabase Paste Plain, Pacquin Plus, Dr Scholl’s Essentials Cracked Skin Repair, Triple Cream, BurnZone, DepthZone, ChafeZone, Sayman Salve, Aqua Glycolic Shampoo and Body Cleanser, Vagisil Intimate Lubricant, Dexeryl, Moisture Magic, Chap Stick All Natural, Dermagran GP, Ceta-Klenz, Restore Hydrogel, Aveeno Moisturizing Bar, Restore Moisture Barrier, Eucerin Plus, Tetrix Cream, Remedy 4-in-1 Cleansing Lotion, Hydrocerin Plus, Baby Oil Creamy, Remedy 4-in-1 Body Cleanser, Neosalus, EpiCeram Skin Barrier Emulsion, PruMyx, Normlgel, Plastibase 50W, Hylatopic Emollient, CarraKlenz, Hydrophylic GRX, Bodi Care, Bodi Line Almond Skin Cleanser, Bodi Line Antiseptic, Bodi Line Hair and Body Shampoo, Bodi Kleen Perineal Cleanser, Bodi Lotion, Bodi Whirl Bath, Geri-Lav Free, Promiseb, Impruv Deep Moisturizing, Impruv Natural Repair, Bodi Whirl Oil, Bodi Protect, DermaSoft with Aloe, SuperSoft, AmeriCerin, AmeriPhor, AmeriStore, GentleWash Body Wash / Shampoo, Soapreme, DermaFix, Chap Stick Fresh Effects, Chap Stick 100% Naturals, Dr. Smith’s Rash-N-All, Gentle Cream, Geri-Soft, Bodi Bath & Shampoo, Nature’s Wash Plus, PruVel, Balneol Cleansing, Zenieva, PeriScent Perineal Cleanser, Zenieva Cream and Cleanser, RadiaGel Hydrogel, CeraVe Facial Moisturizing, Carmex Click-Stick, Tropazone, Keri Sensitive Skin, Prutect, PruClair, Hydrolatum, Ultra-Klenz Wound Cleanser, Balneol for Her, Cetaphil Daily Advantage, Hydro-Lan Creme, GRx Rinse-Free, Carb-O-Lan10, Carb-O-Sal5 (obsolete), Carb-O-Lan20, Sensi-Care Moisturizing Body, Free & Clear, PR Cream, CeraVe AM, Vanicream Cleansing Bar, HylatopicPlus Emollient Foam, Nutraderm Advanced Formula, Lantiseptic Daily Cream, Lantiseptic Multi-Purpose, Cetaphil Restoraderm Wash, Cetaphil Restoraderm Moisturizer, PeriClean, Radiaderm System, NeutrapHorus Rex, NeutrapHor, CoolBottoms, Rash Relief Clear, Proshield Glove Skin Protectant, Isagel, Desitin Clear, Cara-Klenz Wound Cleanser, St. Ives Restoring, St. Ives Hydrating Vitamin E, St. Ives Cucumber, Melon and Vitamin E, Aveeno Active Naturals, Jergens, Gold Bond Ultimate Softening, Gold Bond Ultimate Restoring, Lantiseptic Skin Protectant, Hylatopic Plus Aurstat, CetaKlenz Pump, Critic-Aid Clear, HylatopicPlus, Liqua-Gel, Lazer Creme, Lactinol HX (obsolete), TL-Cermide, Aurstat Kit, Sonafine, HRT Cream Base, Miaderm Radiation Relief, OC Eight, HPR Emollient, Zanfel, Promiseb Complete, Atrapro, HPR Plus, CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, Ocean Nasal Moisturizer, TriDerma Diabetic Foot Defense Healing, TriDerma Diabetic Dry Skin Defense Healing, TriDerma Diabetic Ulcer Defense Healing, TriDerma Diabetic Bruise Defense Healing, HPRplus-MB HydroGel, TL Triseb, Aurstat, Aurstat Anti-Itch, CeraVe Therapeutic Hand, Ilex, Presera, Vaniply, Dr. Smith’s Rash+Skin, Vanicream Cleanser, Del Clens Soap Free Cleanser, Maxam, Loutrex, Scarcin, TeroDerm, K-Y Warm Jelly, K-Y Ultragel, K-Y Yours + Mine, SkyyDerm, Aloe Vesta Daily Moisturizer, Hydrosonic Gel, Celacyn, Alevicyn, Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief, Ceracade, Sween 24 (dimethicone), Luxamend, Ceramax, Entty, Remedy (dimethicone), Remedy Nutrashield, Remedy Skin Repair, Mederma Stretch Mark, Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture, Desitin Multi-Purpose, TeroDerm Plus, Nutraseb, DermaVantage, Nix Ultra, EpiCeram Controlled Release Skin Barrier Emulsion, Levicyn, Levicyn Spray Gel, Levicyn Dermal Spray, ScarAway, Remedy Phytoplex Z-Guard, Sebuderm, Loyon, Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair, Cocoa Butter with Aloe & Vitamin E, Astroglide, Remedy Calazime, Dermaide Aloe, Carmex Daily Care Strawberry SPF 15, Carmex Daily Care Assorted Flavors, Carmex Comfort Care Berry SPF 15, Carmex Original, Carmex Original Jar, Carmex Original SPF 15

Medically reviewed by on Dec 2, 2019 – Written by Cerner Multum

What are topical emollients?

Emollients are substances that moisten and soften your skin.

Topical (for the skin) emollients are used to treat or prevent dry skin. Topical emollients are sometimes contained in products that also treat acne, chapped lips, diaper rash, cold sores, or other minor skin irritation.

There are many brands and forms of topical emollients available and not all are listed on this leaflet.

Topical emollients may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Important Information

Follow all directions on your medicine label and package. Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use.

Before taking this medicine

You should not use a topical emollient if you are allergic to it. Topical emollients will not treat or prevent a skin infection.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist if it is safe for you to use topical emollients if you have:

  • deep wounds or open sores;

  • swelling, warmth, redness, oozing, or bleeding;

  • large areas of skin irritation;

  • any type of allergy; or

  • if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

How should I use topical emollients?

Use exactly as directed on the label, or as prescribed by your doctor. Do not use in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.

Clean the skin where you will apply the topical emollient. It may help to apply this product when your skin is wet or damp. Follow directions on the product label.

Shake the product container if recommended on the label.

Apply a small amount of topical emollient to the affected area and rub in gently.

If you are using a stick, pad, or soap form of topical emollient, follow directions for use on the product label.

Do not use this product over large area of skin. Do not apply a topical emollient to a deep puncture wound or severe burn without medical advice.

If your skin appears white or gray and feels soggy, you may be applying too much topical emollient or using it too often.

Some forms of topical emollient may be flammable and should not be used near high heat or open flame, or applied while you are smoking.

Store as directed away from moisture, heat, and light. Keep the bottle, tube, or other container tightly closed when not in use.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Since this product is used as needed, it does not have a daily dosing schedule. Seek medical advice if your condition does not improve after using a topical emollient.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention or call 115.

What should I avoid while taking topical emollients?

Avoid getting topical emollients in your eyes, nose, or mouth. If this does happen, rinse with water.

Avoid exposure to sunlight or tanning beds. Some topical emollients can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight or UV rays.

Topical emollients side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Stop using the topical emollient and call your doctor if you have severe burning, stinging, redness, or irritation where the product was applied.

Less serious side effects are more likely, and you may have none at all.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What other drugs will affect topical emollients?

It is not likely that other drugs you take orally or inject will have an effect on topically applied emollients. But many drugs can interact with each other. Tell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products.

Further information

Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use this medication only for the indication prescribed.

The content of Holevn is solely for the purpose of providing information about Thuốc Topical emollients  and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact your nearest doctor or clinic, hospital for advice. We do not accept liability if the patient arbitrarily uses the drug without following a doctor’s prescription.

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