Thuốc Shark Liver Oil

Thuốc Shark Liver Oil
Thuốc Shark Liver Oil

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Scientific Name(s): Centrophorus squamosus (deep sea shark), Cetorhinus maximus (basking shark), Squalus acanthias (dogfish shark)

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Oct 31, 2019.

Clinical Overview


Shark liver oil (SLO) has been used to help treat cancer, skin conditions, and respiratory ailments, as well as to reduce recurrent aphthous stomatitis and prevent radiation sickness. However, limited clinical data are available. Alkylglycerols have been studied as an immune system modulator an anti-inflammatory. Animal data suggest SLO may improve fertility.


SLO marketed under the name isolutrol has been studied in a clinical trial of acne at a topical concentration of 0.15 g per 100 mL.


Contraindications have not been identified.


Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.


None well documented.

Adverse Reactions

Few toxic effects have been reported. SLO supplements may have an unpleasant taste and/or odor. There have been reports of SLO-induced pneumonia in humans and pigs.


No adverse reactions or effects on mortality were noted in rats receiving short- and long-term doses of a supercritical fluid extract of SLO at doses 100 to 200 times that of normal human consumption. In Sweden, a SLO product (Ecomer) was prohibited for use by the National Board of Health and Welfare because of suspected adverse effects. A case of acute toxic hepatitis has been reported.


SLO is commercially produced from the livers of several species of deep sea sharks. SLO is a major natural source of squalene and alkyglycerols.Budavari 1989


In 1916, squalene was isolated from SLO.Langdon 1953 Initially, SLO was employed by Scandinavian fishermen to treat skin conditions, respiratory ailments, and certain cancers. The oil has been historically used to treat what was referred to as glandular disease that today most likely would be lymphadenopathy.Krotkiewski 2003 The active components, alkylglycerols, have been studied in a number of areas, including use as an immune system stimulant.Pugliese 1998


SLO contains alkylglycerols (AKGs), squalene, pristane, vitamins A and D, esters of fatty acids, glycerol ethers, triglycerides, cholesterol, and fatty acids.Budavari 1989 The composition of SLO differs among shark species and depends on the size of the shark (the liver constitutes about 25% of the total shark body weight),Budavari 1989diet, gender, growth rate, swimming depth, and reproduction.Davidson 2007 Alkylglycerols are a group of ether-linked glycerols found in a number of shark species. For example, 1-O-(2-hydroxyalkyl) glycerols, 1-O-(2-methoxyhexadecyl)-glycerol, 1-O-(2-methoxy-4-hexadecenyl)-glycerol, and 1-O-(2-methoxy-4-octadecenyl)-glycerol have been isolated from Greenland SLO.Hallgren 1974, Hallgren 1967 Dogfish shark liver contains 40% to 70% SLO, of which 30% to 40% are 1-O-alkyl diacylglycerol ethers.Kang 1997 Purification and characterization of deep sea SLO 1-O-alkylglycerols have been performed. The oil contained glycerol esters and 60% unsaponifiable matter, including squalene (45%) and cholesterol (4.5%).Bordier 1996 Between 60% to 90% of liver weight in Centrophorus species is squalene-rich oil, which increases in concentration with the age of the shark. More than 50 fatty acids have also been identified.Peyronel 1984

Squalene is a triterpene compound that received its name because it was first isolated from shark liver oil (Squalus spp.). SLO is considered to be the richest source of squalene.Huang 2009 Analyses of shark liver components from the late 1960s through the early 1970s include the following: oil composition of the basking shark, including sterols and glyceryl esters;Lombardi 1971, Nevenzel 1968 separation of neutral lipids from shark liver;Casey 1969 and hydrocarbon and fatty acid research.Blumer 1967, Gelpi 1968

Uses and Pharmacology


An early use of alkylglycerols from SLO was to help treat leukemia and prevent radiation sickness from cancer x-ray therapy.Pugliese 1998 Another report suggested that alkylglycerol radioprotective effects may operate by a mechanism by which they are incorporated into a pool of platelet-activating factors, resulting in increased biosynthesis.Hichami 1967 Another effect of alkylglycerols includes the ability to stimulate the immune system. One mechanism may include activation of macrophages.Pugliese 1998 The antitumor effects of SLO may be attributed to inducing apoptosis in neoplastic cells, suppressing signal transduction, blocking angiogenesis, promoting transmembrane transport of cytotoxic substances, and shifting the profile of cytokines.Hajimoradi 2009 Polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 and n-6 found in SLO have been suggested to have anticarcinogenic effects. Specifically, carcinogenesis appears to be affected by the n3:n6 ratio, with a higher ratio (eg, increasing the amount of n-3) conferring greater anticarcinogenic effects.Davidson 2007

Animal data

The natural alkylglycerol level rises within tumor cells as an attempt to control cell growth. An essential step in cell proliferation involves activating protein kinase C, which can be inhibited by alkylglycerols. SLO demonstrated inhibitory actions against cutaneous angiogenesis in certain cancer cells in mice.Skopinska-Rózewska 1999

The efficacy of alkylglycerols on skin papillomas was assessed in 8-week-old BALB/c mice. Twenty-four weeks after initiation, the application of alkylglycerols from SLO resulted in a 4-fold decrease in the number of papillomas. The period of latency was extended from 7 to 10 weeks. The authors concluded that alkylglycerols may exert an antipromoting effect.Miloszewska 2002

Another study in mice assessed the efficacy of SLO compared with purified natural 1-O-alkyl-sn-glycerols (alkyl-Gro) on solid tumor growth, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Tumor growth inhibition of the 3LL-grafted carcinoma was similar between the mice treated with SLO (−29 ± 3% compared with control) and alkyl-Gro (−26% ± 3%) with a slight delay in inhibition with alkyl-Gro compared with SLO. Additionally, SLO appeared to decrease pulmonary metastasis by 31 ± 8% below control, and alkyl-Gro reduced this rate by 64 ± 8%. Finally, 5 days of treatment with alkyl-Gro was associated with a 26 ± 9% reduction in the tumor blood vessel endothelial marker compared with the control group. The authors concluded that alkyl-Gro and SLO seemed to exhibit antitumor and antiangiogenesis effects. The slightly faster effect of SLO at reducing tumor growth may be attributed to the fatty acids found in SLO.Pedrono 2004

An in vivo model of Lewis lung carcinoma cells in mice assessed the activity of each compound in alkyl-Gro. The authors discovered that 1-O-(Z)-9-Hexadecenyl-sn-glycerol and 1-O-(Z)-9-Octadecenyl-sn-glycerol were associated with the highest antitumor activity and were most potent on lung metastases. Saturated alkyl-Gro had weaker or no activity. In fact, one of the alkylglycerols investigated (1-O-Octadecyl-sn-glycerol) appeared to increase tumor growth and metastasis.Deniau 2009

In a study of mice injected with sheep red blood cells, SLO augmented delayed-type hypersensitivity responses after 48 hours, with 20 and 50 mg/kg/day having the maximum effects on these responses. An intraperitoneal injection of SLO given to mice with breast cancer tumors increased the percentage of CD8+ lymphocytes compared with the nontreated group (P < 0.026). Tumor growth was also reduced with SLO 10 mg/kg/day, but it was not statistically significant when compared with the mice receiving an injection of Tyrode buffer. SLO was also associated with an increase in interferon-gamma production.Hajimoradi 2009

Clinical data

A Danish study reported fewer cases of irradiation damage in alkoxyglycerol-treated uterine cancer patients. Alkoxyglycerol also may increase leukocyte and thrombocyte counts at specific dosages. However, a conflicting report finds no inhibition of tumor growth in alkoxyglycerol-treated cancer patients, even though it was used in Denmark as a supplementary agent in cancer treatment.Hasle 1991

SLO had apparent inhibitory actions in human kidney cancer, and human urinary bladder cancer cells, as well as sarcoma L-1.Murphy 1997

The effects of a commercialized formulation of SLO (Ecomer) on 5 human cell lines (eg, ovarian carcinoma, mammary carcinoma, 3 prostate cancer cell lines) were assessed in a colony-forming assay. Overall, the ovarian cell line was the least sensitive to Ecomer SLO, and the mammary carcinoma line demonstrated moderate sensitivity. All 3 of the prostate cancer cell lines were highly sensitive to SLO, with a reduction in the colony number occurring at small doses. Ovarian and prostate cancer cell lines showed an increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells compared with the mostly necrotic cells in the mammary carcinoma line noted after exposure to Ecomer.Krotkiewski 2003

Cardiovascular effects

Squalene is an intermediate in the synthesis of cholesterol and bypasses HMG-CoA reductase in this pathway.Zhang 2002 Therefore, it has been studied for its effects on atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Animal data

Squalene effects on cholesterol were assessed in hamsters given diets with 0.05%, 0.1%, or 0.5% squalene or 0.05% squalene-containing SLO for 4 weeks. Total cholesterol concentrations increased by 32% in the 0.05% squalene group, 23% in the 0.1% squalene group, 35% in the 0.5% squalene group, and 19% in the SLO group when compared with the control group. Statistical significance (P < 0.05) was reached in the 0.05% and 0.5% squalene groups only. A similar effect on triglycerides was also noted. High-density lipoprotein levels increased in the 0.1% squalene, 0.5% squalene, and 0.05% SLO groups compared with the control group. The authors concluded that squalene and SLO are hypercholesterolemic, and exert caution when recommending products with these ingredients to consumers.Zhang 2002

An in vitro study assessed the effect of alkyl-Gro on rabbit platelet function. Alkylglycerols had no impact on the spontaneous release of serotonin. However, alkyl-Gro partially inhibited platelet-activating factor–induced serotonin release.Pédrono 2004

Clinical data

Limited data are available regarding the use of SLO on cardiovascular parameters in humans. One Russian study indicated improvements in clinical status, anthropometric levels, lipids, and immunology status in patients with ischemic heart disease and hypertension who consumed SLO.Pogozheva 2007 However, cautious use is warranted until further information can be gathered regarding SLO effects on lipid parameters.


SLO effects on fertility are not fully understood. Alkylglycerols may serve as precursors for a platelet-activating factor that has been linked in animal studies with sperm motility.Mitre 2004

Animal data

The effects of SLO supplementation on sperm motility and lipid composition were assessed in 22 boars. They were divided into 2 groups (n = 11) with one group receiving SLO 40 g/day per animal and the other group receiving no supplementation. Sperm was collected on days 0, 14, and 28. Sperm motility improved by 2.9% (P < 0.05) in boars receiving SLO supplementation compared with the control group. Velocity parameters (eg, progressive velocity, curvilinear velocity, average path velocity) improved with supplementation with effects noted between days 0 and 14 and maintained between days 14 and 28. Supplementation of SLO was also associated with increases in the proportion of n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in sperm lipids that play a role in sperm maturation. The authors suggest these effects may have positive reproductive effects.Mitre 2004

Another study demonstrated similar results. Incubation of boar sperm with alkyl-Gro increased their percentage motility and the velocity parameters: progressive velocity, curvilinear velocity, and average path velocity. These effects occurred 24 hours after incubation and were continued for up to 96 hours. Additionally, the percentage of pregnancies and farrows occurring by sows inseminated with sperm treated with alkyl-Gro increased by 6.35% (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. A further increase by 11.28% occurred in the inseminated group after a longer period of time. Treatment with alkyl-Gro did not have any effects on the size of the litters. Cheminade 2002

Clinical data

Research reveals no clinical data regarding the use of SLO for fertility.


Animal data

SLO at doses of 32 g/day were provided to pregnant and eventually lactating sows. They were vaccinated against Aujeszky disease prior to term. Sows receiving SLO had higher erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels compared with controls as well as higher immunoglobulin G (IgG), alkylglyerol, and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids concentrations in mammary secretions. Leukocyte and IgG concentrations were also higher in the piglets born to supplemented sows. An increase in Aujeszky antibodies was noted in the blood and colostrum of sows receiving SLO as well as an increase in antibody levels in the piglets. These results suggest SLO may improve active and passive immunity in the offspring of supplemented sows.Cheminade 2005

Exercise is well-known to induce changes in the immune system. A study in rats was conducted to assess the effects of exercise and SLO supplementation on various immune responses. Phagocytosis, lysosomal volume, superoxide anion, and hydrogen peroxide production by peritoneal macrophages and blood neutrophils were not impacted by SLO supplementation. However, spleen and thymus lymphocyte proliferation were higher in the rats that were given SLO and/or exercise compared with those who did not receive SLO and/or exercise. Even though SLO and exercise positively impacted lymphocyte proliferation, the association did not cause further stimulation in adaptive immunity nor to impact innate immunity.Vitorino 2010

Clinical data

One study in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis found that SLO supplementation was able to normalize complement levels, natural killer cell activity, and reaction oxygen intermediates by peripheral blood leukocytes.Tchórzewski 2002

Additionally, squalene has been used as an immunologic adjuvant in vaccines such as malaria, human immunodeficiency virus, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus, and seasonal flu. Vaccines against influenza A (H1N1) in 2009 contained squalene in Europe.Lippi 2010

The effect of alkylglycerols (AKGs) on the postoperative immune response and healing and elderly (mean age, 97 years) surgical patients was explored in an open, matched case control study (n=40). Indications for surgery included hernias, lower varices, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, breast cancer, hydrocele, and skin cancer. AKG was initiated during the first surgical admission at 500 mg twice daily (500 mg pure AKGs per capsule) and continued for 4 weeks, save temporary withholding on the morning of surgery until post-op day 2. Significant improvements were seen in the AKG-treated group in IgM and IgA immunoglobulins lymphocytes, and neutrophils, (P<0.001 each), as well as C-reactive protein (P<0.05). No changes or slight worsening in these parameters were noted in the control group. Both the number and severity of complications were reduced in patients treated with AKGs, which were well tolerated and without adverse effects.Palmieri 2014

In obese individuals with a body mass index between 30 and 40, inclusive, and without chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, administration of 20 mg AKGs significantly improved inflammatory markers. In the 18 participants who completed the double-blind, randomized, crossover trial, AKGs given for 3 weeks at a dose of 20 mg significantly reduced total cholesterol compared to baseline (−12.3 mg/dL) and to 10 mg AKGs (−11.3 mg/dL; P<0.05). Similarly, the inflammatory markers complement 3, complement 4, and vascular endothelial growth factor were also significantly improved with the 20 mg dose versus baseline and the 10 mg dose (P<0.05 each). No other biomarkers were significantly affected. AKGs were well tolerated with no adverse events reported.Parri 2016

Recurrent aphthous stomatitis

Animal data

Research reveals no animal data regarding the use of shark liver oil for recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS).

Clinical data

Twenty-five patients with RAS received SLO for 3 months. After treatment, the frequency of occurrence of RAS was 0.95 compared with 1.56 at baseline. Additionally, there was a reduction in the number of lesions per month during the third month of treatment. This effect was noted 2 months after receiving treatment. SLO also exerted immunomodulatory activity (eg, increase in the percentage of T cells, normalization of B cell and T CD3/HLA DR+ cell percentages, and decrease in the level of C4 and hemolytic activity of the complement system).Gurańska 2001


SLO has been classified as a topical protectant.Budavari 1989 Squalene appears to play an antioxidant role by decreasing damage caused by oxidation from free radicals to the skin. A main component of sebum, squalene’s role is to protect skin surfaces from lipid peroxidation due to ultraviolet light exposure. Additionally, squalene is deeply absorbed into the skin, increasing skin flexibility and does not leave an oily residue. This has increased the attractiveness of using squalene for cosmetic purposes.Huang 2009

Patients with atopic dermatitis are prone to dry skin and disturbances in the skin, increasing their risk for bacterial and fungal infections. SLO may be beneficial for these patients by exerting antibacterial and antifungal effects.Nowicki 2007 Dietary SLO also has been studied for its effects on lipid and fatty acid composition in guinea pig hearts.Murphy 1997 A glycerol monoether mixture from SLO was an effective skin penetration enhancer when studied in mice.Loftsson 1997

Other uses

SLO supplementation does not appear to have a stimulating effect on milk or butter fat production despite an increase in vitamin A concentrations.Jensen 1942

SLO has been investigated as a component for making capsules as part of the encapsulation process.Peniche 2004


SLO marketed under the name isolutrol has been studied in a clinical trial of acne at a topical concentration of 0.15 g per 100 mL.Dunlop 1995

Pregnancy / Lactation

Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.


None well documented.

Adverse Reactions

It has been stated that SLO has no adverse reactions in dosages of 100 mg 3 times daily.Pugliese 1998 An unpleasant taste and/or odor may be noted with SLO supplementation.Peniche 2004 SLO has been implicated as a causative agent of pneumonia in pigs and humans.Seo 1999, Asnis 1993 One case report describes a 76-year-old man with long-term exogenous lipoid pneumonia caused by squalene. He was asymptomatic but admitted to the hospital for further evaluation of abnormal chest x-ray findings. Though he denied respiratory symptoms, he reported symptoms consistent with gastroesophageal reflux. He had previously experienced tuberculous pleuritis in the right lung and had a long smoking history (eg, 20 cigarettes daily for 55 years). The patient reported taking 8 capsules of squalene each day (squalene 250 mg per capsule) for over a year for his health. Sometimes he would crush the capsules in his mouth before swallowing them. A chest x-ray demonstrated a consolidation in the right upper lobe, with computerized tomography findings revealing a consolidation shadow. Bronchoalveolar lavage showed lipid-laden macrophages with no microorganisms. Numerous foamy macrophages and lymphocytes in alveolar spaces and septa as well as granulomatous lesions were noted with a transbronchial lung biopsy specimen. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry confirmed the presence of squalene in the bronchoalveolar lavage. Upon discontinuation of squalene supplementation, the consolidation shadow decreased. Thus, it is possible that crushing the capsules in the mouth along with the presence of gastroesophageal disease led to the development of exogenous lipoid pneumonia.Kanaji 2008

A case of acute toxic hepatitis was reported in a 31-year-old female who became symptomatic with malaise and abdominal discomfort 1 week after starting shark liver oil supplementation that soon progressed to jaundice and pruritus. Upon admission, she had been taking shark liver oil capsules twice daily for 2 weeks. No family history, environmental, or infectious risk factors for hepatotoxicity were identified. Immediate improvement in symptoms was seen upon discontinuation of the supplement with liver enzymes normalizing within 8 weeks.Kilincalp 2012


Pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers have been identified in raw, cold processed (eg, essentially unrefined) SLO products.Akutsu 2006

Animal data

A study evaluated the toxicity of acute and repeated doses of a supercritical fluid extract of SLO (AKG-1 extract) given to mice at doses 100 to 200 times greater than recommended for human consumption. No adverse effects (eg, changes in body weight, food/water consumption, histology, serum chemistry values, body weight) or effects on mortality were noted in mice receiving 2,000 mg/kg as a single oral dose. Additionally, no adverse effects or effects on mortality were noted in rats who received 1,000 mg/kg orally for 28 days.Anadón 2010

Clinical data

Thirteen volunteers received squalene 3.6 g, alkylglycerols 3.6 g, and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 750 mg per day for 4 weeks. Consumption of high levels of SLO exerted antimicrobial effects; however, SLO increased total cholesterol level from 182.92 ± 29.290 mg/dL at baseline to 224.46 ± 62.198 mg/dL baseline/dlf. High levels of SLO were found to exert antimicrobial effects against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Additionally, type 1 cytokine interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-2 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells was noted.Lewkowicz 2005

The Persian Gulf War syndrome, characterized by fatigue, rashes, headache, arthralgias, myalgias, lymphadenopathies, diarrhea, memory loss, autoimmune thyroid diseases, increased allergies, neurologic abnormalities, and environmental sensitivities, was believed to be linked to antibodies developed to squalene contained in vaccinations against anthrax. However, clinical data have suggested that antibodies against squalene have been detected in healthy individuals, and the presence of these antibodies is not increased by vaccines containing squalene.Lippi 2010

In Sweden, a SLO product (Ecomer) was prohibited for use by the National Board of Health and Welfare because of suspected adverse effects.National Board of Health 1990


Akutsu K, Tanaka Y, Hayakawa K. Occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls in shark liver oil supplements. Food Addit Contam. 2006;23(12):1323-1329.17118876Anadón A, Martínez MA, Ares I, et al. Acute and repeated dose (28 days) oral safety studies of an alkoxyglycerol extract from shark liver oil in rats. J Agric Food Chem. 2010;58(3):2040-2046.20020698Asnis DS, Saltzman HP, Melchert A. Shark oil pneumonia. An overlooked entity. Chest. 1993;103(3):976-977.8449116Blumer M. Hydrocarbons in digestive tract and liver of a basking shark. Science. 1967;156(773):390-391.5609822Bordier CG, Sellier N, Foucault AP, Le Goffic F. Purification and characterization of deep sea shark Centrophorus squamosus liver oil 1-O-alkylglycerol ether lipids. Lipids. 1996;31(5):521-528.8727645Budavari S, ed. The Merck Index, 11th ed. Rahway, NJ: Merck and Co; 1989.Casey AC. Separation of neutral lipids of shark liver by “dry-column” chromatography. J Lipid Res. 1969;10(4):456-459.4307833Cheminade C, Gautier V, Hichami A, Allaume P, Le Lannou D, Legrand AB. 1-O-alkylglycerols improve boar sperm motility and fertility. Biol Reprod. 2002;66(2):421-428.11804958Davidson BC, Rottanburg D, Prinz W, Cliff G. The influence of shark liver oils on normal and transformed mammalian cells in culture. In Vivo. 2007;21(2):333-337.17436585Deniau AL, Mosset P, Le Bot D, Legrand AB. Which alkylglycerols from shark liver oil have anti-tumour activities? [published online ahead of print December 29, 2009] Biochimie.20036307Dunlop KJ, Barnetson RS. A comparative study of isolutrol versus benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne. Australas J Dermatol. 1995;36(1):13-15.7763215Gelpi E, Oro J. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of isoprenoid hydrocarbons and fatty acids in shark liver oil products. J Am Oil Chem Soc. 1968;45(3):144-147.5642087Gurańska N, Lewkowicz P, Urbaniak B, et al. The assessment of the effectiveness of the shark liver oil in recurrent aphthous stomatitis treatment: clinical and immunological studies [in Polish]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2001;11(63):233-238.11761818Hajimoradi M, Hassan ZM, Pourfathollah AA, Daneshmandi S, Pakravan N. The effect of shark liver oil on the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and cytokine pattern in mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 2009;126(3):565-570.19505554Hallgren B, Ställberg G. 1-O-(2-hydroxyalkyl)glycerols isolated from Greenland shark liver oil. Acta Chem Scand B. 1974;28(9):1074-1076.4440363Hallgren B, Ställberg G. Methoxy-substituted glycerol ethers isolated from Greenland shark liver oil. Acta Chem Scand. 1967;21(6):1519-1529.Hasle H, Rose C. Shark liver oil (alkoxyglycerol) and cancer treatment [in Danish]. Ugeskr Laeger. 1991;153(5):343-346.1994557Hichami A, Duroudier V, Leblais V, et al. Modulation of platelet-activating-factor production by incorporation of naturally occurring 1-O-alkylglycerls in phospholipids of human leukemic monocyte-like THP-1 cells. Eur J Biochem. 1997;250(2):242-248.9428670Huang ZR, Lin YK, Fang JY. Biological and pharmacological activities of squalene and related compounds: potential uses in cosmetic dermatology. Molecules. 2009;14(1):540-554.19169201Jensen C, Boyer PD, Phillips PH, Rupel IW, Lundquist NS. The effect of shark liver oil on milk and butter fat production. J Dairy Sci. 1942;25(11):931-937.Kanaji N, Bandoh S, Takano K, et al. Positron emission tomography-positive squalene-induced lipoid pneumonia confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Am J Med Sci. 2008;335(4):310-314.18414072Kang SJ, Lall SP, Ackman RG. Digestion of the 1-O-alkyl diacylglycerol ethers of Atlantic dogfish liver oils by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Lipids. 1997;32(1):19-30.9075189Kilincalp S, Deveci M, Basar O, Ekiz F, Coban S, Yuksel O. Shark liver oil: hidden dangers. Ann Hepatol. 2012;11(5):728-730.22947538Krotkiewski M, Przybyszewska M, Janik P. Cytostatic and cytotoxic effects of alkylglycerols (Ecomer). Med Sci Monit. 2003;9(11):PI131-PI135.14586289Langdon RG, Bloch K. The biosynthesis of squalene. J Biol Chem. 1953;200(1):129-134.13034767Lewkowicz P, Banasik M, Glowacka E, Lewkowicz N, Tchórzewski H. Effect of high doses of shark liver oil supplementation on T cell polarization and peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cell function [in Polish]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2005;18(108):686-692.16124384Lippi G, Targher G, Franchini M. Vaccination, squalene and anti-squalene antibodies: facts or fiction? Eur J Intern Med. 2010:21(2):70-73.20206873Loftsson T, Petersen DS, Le Goffic F, Olafsson JH. Unsaturated glycerol monoethers as novel skin penetration enhancers. Pharmazie. 1997;52(6):463-465.9260268Lombardi R, Haubout F, Fawaz F, Choix M, Puisieux F. Analysis of ointments, oils, and waxes. X. Study of the composition of oil of basking-shark, Cetorhinus maximus Gunner [in French]. Ann Pharm Fr. 1971;29(7):429-436.5165327Miloszewska J, Krotkiewski M. The antipromoting effect of alkyloglycerols from shark liver oil. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2002;7(2):294.12097964Mitre R, Cheminade C, Allaume P, Legrand P, Legrand AB. Oral intake of shark liver oil modifies lipid composition and improves motility and velocity of boar sperm. Theriogenology. 2004;62(8):1557-1566.15451263Mitre R, Etienne M, Martinais S, et al. Humoral defence improvement and haematopoiesis stimulation in sows and offspring by oral supply of shark-liver oil to mothers during gestation and lactation. Br J Nutr. 2005;94(5):753-762.16277779Murphy MG, Wright V, Ackman RG, Horackova M. Diets enriched in menhaden fish oil, seal oil, or shark liver oil have distinct effects on the lipid and fatty-acid composition of guinea pig heart. Mol Cell Biochem. 1997;177(1–2):257–269.9450671The National Board of Health and Welfare prohibits Ecomer. Shark liver oil is suspected of adverse effects [in Swedish]. Lakartidningen. 1990;87(7):473.2308409Nevenzel J. Basking shark liver oil sterols and glyceryl ethers. UCLA-12-686. UCLA Rep. 1968:16-18.5753529Nowicki R, Barańska-Rybak W. Shark liver oil as a supporting therapy in atopic dermatitis [in Polish]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2007;22(130):312-313.17684933Palmieri B, Pennelli A, Di Cerbo A. Jurassic surgery and immunity enhancement by alkyglycerols of shark liver oil. Lipids Health Dis. 2014;13:178.25427577Parri A, Fito M, Torres CF, Munoz-Aguayo D, Schroder H, Cano JF, Vazquez L, Reglero G, Covas MI. Alkylglycerols reduce serum complement and plasma vascular endothelial growth factor in obese individuals. Inflammopharmacology. 2016;24(2-3):127-131.27188987Pédrono F, Cheminade C, Legrand AB. Natural 1-O-alkylglycerols reduce platelet-activating factor-induced release of [3H]-serotonin in rabbit platelets. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2004;71(1):19-23.15172680Pedrono F, Martin B, Leduc C, et al. Natural alkylglycerols restrain growth and metastasis of grafted tumors in mice. Nutr Cancer. 2004;48(1):64-69.15203379Peniche C, Howland I, Carrillo O, Zaldivar C, Argüelles-Monal W. Formation and stability of shark liver oil loaded chitosan/calcium alginate capsules. Food Hydrocolloids. 2004;18(5):865-871.Peyronel D, Artaud J, Iatrides MC, Rancurel P, Chevalier JL. Fatty acid and squalene compositions of Mediterranean Centrophorus SPP egg and liver oils in relation to age. Lipids. 1984;19(9):643-648.6503627Pogozheva AV, Derbeneva SA, Anykina NV, et al. The clinical and experimental research of metabolic effects of shark liver oil [in Russian]. Vopr Pitan. 2007;76(6):28-32.18219938Pugliese P, Jordan K, Cederberg H, Brohult J. Some biological actions of alkylglycerols from shark liver oil. J Altern Complement Med. 1998;4(1):87-99.9553838Seo JB, Im JG, Kim WS, Seong CK, Song JW, Chung JH. Shark liver oil-induced lipoid pneumonia in pigs: correlation of thin-section CT and histopathologic findings. Radiology. 1999;212(1):88-96.10405726Skopinska-Rózewska E, Krotkiewski M, Sommer E, et al. Inhibitory effect of shark liver oil on cutaneous angiogenesis induced in Balb/c mice by syngeneic sarcoma L-1, human urinary bladder and human kidney tumour cells. Oncol Rep. 1999;6(6):1341-1344.10523708Tchórzewski H, Banasik M, Glowacka E, Lewkowicz P. Modification of innate immunity in humans by active components of shark liver oil [in Polish]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2002;13(76):329-332.12557443Vitorino DC, Buzzachera CF, Curi R, Fernandes LC. Effect of chronic supplementation with shark liver oil on immune responses of exercise-trained rats. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010;108(6):1225-1232.20033704Zhang Z, Yeung WK, Huang Y, Chen ZY. Effect of squalene and shark liver oil on serum cholesterol level in hamsters. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2002;53(5):411-418.12396466


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This product may adversely interact with certain health and medical conditions, other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, foods, or other dietary supplements. This product may be unsafe when used before surgery or other medical procedures. It is important to fully inform your doctor about the herbal, vitamins, mineral or any other supplements you are taking before any kind of surgery or medical procedure. With the exception of certain products that are generally recognized as safe in normal quantities, including use of folic acid and prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, this product has not been sufficiently studied to determine whether it is safe to use during pregnancy or nursing or by persons younger than 2 years of age.

Further information

The content of Holevn is solely for the purpose of providing information about Thuốc Shark Liver Oil  and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact your nearest doctor or clinic, hospital for advice. We do not accept liability if the patient arbitrarily uses the drug without following a doctor’s prescription.

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