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Common Name(s): Cluytyl alcohol, Montanyl alcohol, N-octacosanol, Octacosyl alcohol
Medically reviewed by Holevn.org. Last updated on Jan 22, 2020.
Clinical Overview
Octacosanol, which has been studied mainly as a constituent of policosanol (see Policosanol monograph), may have a role to play in the management of dyslipidemia and may achieve antiplatelet effects similar to those of aspirin. Although octacosanol has been protective in rats with induced parkinsonism, clinical studies in humans have not documented these effects. Clinical trials are lacking to support claims of enhanced athletic performance due to supplemental octacosanol.
Limited clinical trials have been conducted with octacosanol. In one pharmacokinetic study, octacosanol 30 mg daily for 4 weeks did not result in measurable serum concentration changes, whereas octacosanol 50 mg was detected in the serum within 8 hours.
Contraindications have not been identified.
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.
None well documented.
Adverse Reactions
Limited clinical trials have been conducted with octacosanol; however, one surveillance study found long-term tolerability with policosanol supplementation.
No data.
Octacosanol is derived primarily from wheat germ oil, as well as from krill, perilla, tomato, and grape seed oils, and from sugarcane and rice bran waxes.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The production of sugarcane wax and the further refinement of octacosanol are difficult and expensive processes,6 but more efficient methods of octacosanol synthesis have been described.7, 8
Early work on the potential uses of octacosanol in the form of wheat germ oil is attributed to Thomas K. Cureton (1901-1992), professor and pioneer in exercise physiology, who conducted studies among more than 1,000 schoolboys in the 1950s and among US Navy trainees in the 1960s.9, 10 The potential of octacosanol to enhance exercise performance was further investigated in the latter part of the 20th century, with equivocal findings; with attention then directed to the role of octacosanol in treating cardiovascular disease.10, 11
Octacosanol is a 28-carbon, straight-chain aliphatic primary fatty alcohol.1 It belongs to a group of long chain alcohols extracted from plant waxes, collectively called policosanol. Analytical methods for the identification of octacosanol have been developed, allowing for quantification in plasma samples in animal and human studies.10, 12
Uses and Pharmacology
CNS disease
Animal data
In limited studies, octacosanol was protective in rats with induced parkinsonism, as measured histologically.13, 14
Clinical data
One small study reported that octacosanol (15 mg daily as wheat germ oil) improved subjectively rated scores in 3 of 10 patients.15 In the 1980s, small studies of octacosanol in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis did not show a clinical significance compared with placebo, and further clinical trials have not been conducted.16, 17
Animal data
In studies of the effects of octacosanol on endurance in rodents, observed changes in serum lipid levels led investigators to consider octacosanol as a potential agent in dyslipidemia.1, 10 Octacosanol prevented increased perirenal adipose tissue in one experiment, and in another, it acted on the esterification of fatty acid into triacylglycerol in rats fed a high-fat diet.1, 10 Reductions in plasma triacylglycerol,18 but not of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, have been demonstrated in other experiments in mice.19 In vitro studies have suggested that both policosanol and a synthetic analogue of octacosanol (octacosadienol) can down-regulate 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase.20, 21
Clinical data
A study of healthy adults found a decrease in fecal cholesterol end products with octacosanol 50 mg supplementation, but no impact on serum lipid indices was observed.22
Most studies have used policosanol rather than octacosanol and have reported some positive effects (lowered LDL and elevated high-density lipoprotein).1, 10, 22
Exercise/Athletic performance
Animal data
Studies conducted in the 1990s found that octacosanol distributes mainly to adipose tissue when administered orally in rats, and that it is potentially stored in the liver and muscle tissues.23, 24 Absorption of octacosanol was reportedly low, with excretion mainly via feces. Metabolites of the alcohol were found in urine.23
A 2003 study reported on the ergogenic properties of octacosanol in exercise-trained rats, including glycogen-sparing and enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity in muscle tissue.25
Clinical data
Aside from studies in the 1950s and 1960s, clinical trials are lacking to support claims of enhanced athletic performance due to supplemental octacosanol.1, 10, 26
Platelet aggregation
Animal data
Studies in rodents have shown antiaggregatory effects of policosanol.1, 10
Clinical data
Most studies use policosanol rather than octacosanol, reporting some effects similar to those achieved with aspirin.1, 10, 22
Other uses
The effects of octacosanol on endothelial cells,27 as well as antioxidant activity,28 have been studied. The antiangiogenic action of octacosanol has also been studied.29
A mix of long-chain fatty acids, including octacosanol, has been studied in rats for its gastroprotective effects, which are attributed to anti-inflammatory action.1, 30 Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects have also been reported in an induced-pain study in mice.31
In one pharmacokinetic study, octacosanol 30 mg daily for 4 weeks did not result in measurable serum concentration changes, whereas octacosanol 50 mg was detected in the serum within 8 hours.22
A dosage of policosanol 20 mg/day has been compared with aspirin 100 mg/day in studies investigating the prevention of platelet aggregation.1, 10, 22
Pregnancy / Lactation
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.
Case reports are lacking; however, because policosanol has the potential to inhibit platelet aggregation, the risk of hemorrhage exists. Concomitant anticoagulant therapy should be used cautiously.1
Adverse Reactions
Limited clinical trials have been conducted with octacosanol; however, a surveillance study of 2,252 elderly patients taking policosanol supplementation found long-term tolerability of the supplements.32
Research regarding the toxicity of octacosanol is limited; however, policosanol studies in rodents have reported no carcinogenicity or teratogenicity.33, 34, 35, 36
1. Taylor JC, Rapport L, Lockwood GB. Octacosanol in human health. Nutrition. 2003;19(2):192-195125915612. Gao W, Liu D, Su S. High-performance thin-layer chromatography for quantification of 1-octacosanol in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) [published online ahead of print August 21, 2014]. J Chromatogr Sci. 2015;53(5):811-815.2514649810.1093/chromsci/bmu0983. Giuffrè AM, Capocasale M. Policosanol in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Seed Oil: the Effect of Cultivar [published online ahead of print April 20, 2015]. J Oleo Sci. 2015;64(6):625-631.2589111410.5650/jos.ess150024. Jung DM, Lee MJ, Yoon SH, Jung MY. A gas chromatography-tandem quadrupole mass spectrometric analysis of policosanols in commercial vegetable oils. J Food Sci. 2011;76(6):C891-C899.224174875. Adhikari P, Hwang KT, Park JN, Kim CK. Policosanol content and composition in perilla seeds. J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54(15):5359-5362.168485176. Ou S, Zhao J, Wang Y, Tian Y, Wang J. 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Trial of octacosanol in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurology. 1986;36(9):1263-1264.352891817. Orrell RW, Lane RJ, Ross M. Antioxidant treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis / motor neuron disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007;(1):CD002829.1725348218. Xu Z, Fitz E, Riediger N, Moghadasian MH. Dietary octacosanol reduces plasma triacylglycerol levels but not atherogenesis in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice. Nutr Res. 2007;27(4):212-217.19. Dullens SP, Mensink RP, Bragt MC, Kies AK, Plat J. Effects of emulsified policosanols with different chain lengths on cholesterol metabolism in heterozygous LDL receptor-deficient mice. J Lipid Res. 2008;49(4):790-796.1816266320. Oliaro-Bosso S, Calcio Gaudino E, Mantegna S, et al. Regulation of HMGCoA reductase activity by policosanol and octacosadienol, a new synthetic analogue of octacosanol. Lipids. 2009;44(10):907-916.1976365521. Singh DK, Li L, Porter TD. 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The content of Holevn is solely for the purpose of providing information about Thuốc Octacosanol and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact your nearest doctor or clinic, hospital for advice. We do not accept liability if the patient arbitrarily uses the drug without following a doctor’s prescription.
Reference from: https://www.drugs.com/npp/octacosanol.html